3 Lab 3: Mitosis and Meiosis
General Information
Lab 3 has students find and observe the various stages of mitosis and meiosis in both plant and animal cells.
It also provides a good opportunity for students to work on their microscope skills from Lab 1.
Purchasing Information
Required materials for Lab 3 include:
- Mitosis in onion root tip
- The slide might say “allium” (the Latin name for onion).
- Mitosis in whitefish blastula cells
- Meiosis I in lily anther
- Meiosis II in lily anther
Optional materials for Lab 3 include:
- Mitosis and meiosis posters, showing diagrams and photos of the onion, whitefish blastula, and lily anther slides
- Students can use the lecture slides if posters are not available.
Lab Setup
Lab Activity Setup
Time: Approx. 5 minutes (the shortest setup time!)
Board Notes
Welcome to Lab 3: Mitosis and Meiosis
- Please hand in:
- Post Lab 2
- Pre Lab 3
- Work with a partner
- Partner A sets up the onion slide and does diagrams
- Partner B sets up the whitefish slide and does diagrams
- Swap microscopes and do diagrams
- Partner A sets up Lily Anther Meiosis I
- Partner B sets up Lily Anther Meiosis II
- Swap
- Double-check that you put your slides away in the right bins & DON’T LEAVE THEM IN THE MICROSCOPES!!
Setup Photos
Media Attributions
- Figure 3.1, by the author, is under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.